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Q: What is a PPEC?

A: A PPEC is a Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center. A PPEC is a non-residential center that serves three or more medically dependent children under the age of 21 who require short, long-term, or intermittent medical care due to medically complex conditions. A PPEC offers services that meet the recipients' physiological, Developmental , Nutritional, and Social needs.


Q: What qualifies a child for the PPEC program?

A: Children who need nursing care everyday and are unable to have their needs met by a typical school or day-care and/or do not need to be in a hospital. children who have been hospitalized or frequent emergency room visits for ongoing unresolved conditions such as asthma or seizures.


Q: Who pays for these services?

A: Pediatric Extended Care Services are covered by Medicaid once recommended by the child's pediatrician through a prescription or medical letter of necessity. Our staff is happy to assist you with the enrollment process.


Q: What services do we offer?

A: Our service includes pediatric nursing care, transportation, nutritional food program, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, applied behavioral analysis (ABA), special education (provided by Broward County School Board), physician on-call, after-school program, extra-curricular activities, and social services.

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